Becoming Superwomen

20 04 2010

By Kallista Frost

Women are considered the nurturers in this life. We embody the very definition of compassion, affection, and support. This is what makes us women. But, what makes us superwomen?

As a young girl I didn’t have any women in my family that I would look at and say, “I want to be just like her when I grow up.” No one had a stable relationship, an amazing career, or had even graduated from college. My mother was a strong woman, and survived on nothing to take care of her kids. But, even her strength was eventually overshadowed by a relationship that turned abusive. This led to me living with a friend, my siblings living with various people, and my mother …no where at all.

After months of my family being separated, my mother’s friend took us in. It was this woman that allowed for my mother to put back on her vest, and become a superwoman again. This is also the first woman I can remember looking up to. Finally, at age fourteen, I had found a role model.

Luckily, I continued to meet several women within my community who I felt were great role models. They were educated, had great careers, stable families, and most importantly; time to guide and support me on my journey to becoming a superwoman.

So the question is not what makes us superwomen, but who? It is the women in our lives that push for our success. The women that use their own strength to strengthen other women. Women who understand the importance of all women becoming superwomen. And, the truth is you don’t have to have a fancy job, or the best education to be a superwoman. You just have to lend a helping hand to other women struggling and mentor them during their tough times. This Mother’s Day we can all become superwomen.

Myrtle Alley Press in Seattle, graphic designer Sara McNally, and Jubilee Women’s Center have teamed up this year to create a hand pressed card fit to honor and inspire any woman on Mother‘s Day. On the front of the card is the quote from Mother Theresa, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” Inside it reads, “Thank you for all the small things you have done and continue to do, day after day. Happy Mother’s Day.” With a donation to Jubilee Women’s Center, your mother, or any superwoman in your life, will receive a beautiful card in honor of them.

Jubilee Women’s Center is an organization located in Seattle dedicated to helping local women become self-reliant. All donations go directly to Jubilee Women’s Center to provide counseling, job training, and life skills to hundreds of women on their way to becoming superwomen.

For more information on Jubilee Women’s Center or to donate and send a card to a woman in your life, visit, or call Katy Childers at Jubilee Women’s Center at 206-957-4392, or email at